  • 作品出处:4uren.com
  • 作品语言:英语
  • 文件大小:9757K
  • 推荐星级
  • 发布日期:2009-07-21
  • 简介说明

    这是一个来自4uren.com的恐怖黑室类的英语小游戏,英文名为:Zombies The Beginning ,文件大小为9757K,

    你坐在长沙发看电视。你听见在外面一些奇怪的噪声,一切似乎正常…。或者,噪声是否从里边来了? 您必须发现保护自己的方式。在殭尸来到之前,您必须发现方式离开房子…。鼠標操作。


    -Go to the front door.
    -Pick up the shoes in front of the door.
    -Go to the garage door.
    -Take the key hanging on the key rack.
    -Go in to the garage. (cut scene)
    -Open the bottom drawer of the tool table.
    -Get the knife that falls out of the drawer.
    -Go out the front door. (cut scene)
    -Go into the car and open the dash in between the 2 seats.
    -Get the room key.
    -Go back to the front door.
    -Go to the bedroom.
    -Get the gun from the drawer in the bedroom. (cut scene)
    -After killing the zombie that knocks down the door, kill the other 5 zombies.
    -After the cut scene, kill the last 3 zombies.
