  • 作品出处:pastel
  • 作品语言:英语
  • 文件大小:10450K
  • 推荐星级
  • 发布日期:2010-08-05
  • 简介说明

    这是一个来自pastel的精品密室类的英语小游戏,英文名为:The Fog Fall 3,文件大小为10450K,

    雾秋天是古巴导弹危机历史时期的惊悚片,Submachine风格精品密室解谜大作。在这个小镇上所发生的事情,令我一生难忘...荒凉的小镇,在经历战争后,野外空寂无一人,车子坏在半路,你要找到回家的路...鼠标操作。The Fog Fall 3 is the next edition in the post-apocalyptic hidden object thriller. As you try to make your escape in your new truck, a mysterious force field throws a wrench into your plans for freedom.
    The Fog Fall 3 challenges you to continue your epic journey - there are rumors of a safe haven called Cupertown, if only you can find it....
