Main stairway is first room. It will be letter E, once you get a map.
1st room- Pull lever. Go left-Pull lever. Go left again-Pull lever. Go left again-Pull lever. Go right 4 (room with TV) Pull lever. Note panel is loose (upper right corner of lower left panel). Note arrows in dust on TV. Note 7 digit code under TV.
Left 1, up 1. Pull lever. Get red key. Solve puzzle between books to get peridot. To solve puzzle, just start with the upper left arrows and line them up so the color to the top and left match the dial, then work your way around the board until all arrows colors are matching. Note hollow wall to left of fireplace.
Down 1, right 1-Use red key on door to the right. Note screwed panel. Up 1-Get crowbar (lower right floor near rear pew). Get book from middle of altar. Down 1, left 1. Use crowbar on loose panel to get orb collector. Now go back to all rooms and collect 50 orbs.
Once you have collected 50 orbs, return to main stairway. Go right 2, up 1, right 1. Note black mist. Click on stairs under black mist. Collect orbs and buy a map and lantern. Click on map and collect garnet from center of compass rose and note the colors associated with each direction.
Go to H-Use lantern and get blue key. Go to E-Use lantern to get diamond. Go to K-Use blue key to get in door to the left to access room J. In J, collect orbs. Click gray box on floor left of couch. Solve using clue from map. Get a lighter. Light "strange candle" above the couch. Collect ruby.
Go to K-light fire in fireplace to get more orbs. Go to C-light candle. Collect green key. Go back to K. Use green key on right door to access room L. Light fire in fireplace to collect amethyst. Click on box (lower right corner of mirror) and use TV clue to solve (reverse 3 & 4) to get silver key. Go to C- Use silver key on left door to access room B. In B, collect orbs. Collect hammer from floor to the right of stairs. Go left to room A. Collect orbs and knife from lower left window. Zoom in on pool table to read pool ball numbers, then line them up according to earlier 7 digit code from under TV. (Blk Pur, Grn, Red, Ong, Yel, Blu). Collect Citrine. Go to I-collect orbs. Use knife on carpet (dark circle under note) to get blue topaz. Read note and write down the number of white boxes between the black boxes to get another 7 digit code. S6P95O7I9L5E6R. Go to D-use lantern to see screwed panel. While holding lantern and SD, open vent to get gold key. Go to G-Use SD on screwed panel. Get emerald. Go to O. Use gold key on door to the top to access room Q. Collect orbs. Get wand from under table. Go to K. Use hammer on hollow panel to the lower left side of the fireplace. Use lantern. Get opal. Go to N. Use wand on black mist. Collect sapphire and more orbs. ***If you have 75 orbs, go downstairs and get crystal so you can move quickly to room Q. Go to room Q. Open book and collect aquamarine. Note gems that go with each month. Click on picture and note dots that go around the frame. Place the gems in month order (not the order in the book) with January being the dot to the right of the dot marked December. Once the gems are placed correctly, you will get a sacred key. Return to main stairway, room E and go down. Use key to ESCAPE!!!!!
Walkthrough BY jane q 3/29/14, 1:33 PM
Main stairway is first room. It will be letter E, once you get a map.
1st room- Pull lever.
Go left-Pull lever.
Go left again-Pull lever.
Go left again-Pull lever.
Go right 4 (room with TV) Pull lever. Note panel is loose (upper right corner of lower left panel). Note arrows in dust on TV. Note 7 digit code under TV.
Left 1, up 1. Pull lever. Get red key. Solve puzzle between books to get peridot. To solve puzzle, just start with the upper left arrows and line them up so the color to the top and left match the dial, then work your way around the board until all arrows colors are matching.
Note hollow wall to left of fireplace.
Down 1, right 1-Use red key on door to the right. Note screwed panel.
Up 1-Get crowbar (lower right floor near rear pew). Get book from middle of altar.
Down 1, left 1. Use crowbar on loose panel to get orb collector. Now go back to all rooms and collect 50 orbs.
Once you have collected 50 orbs, return to main stairway. Go right 2, up 1, right 1. Note black mist. Click on stairs under black mist. Collect orbs and buy a map and lantern.
Click on map and collect garnet from center of compass rose and note the colors associated with each direction.
Go to H-Use lantern and get blue key.
Go to E-Use lantern to get diamond.
Go to K-Use blue key to get in door to the left to access room J.
In J, collect orbs. Click gray box on floor left of couch. Solve using clue from map. Get a lighter. Light "strange candle" above the couch. Collect ruby.
Go to K-light fire in fireplace to get more orbs.
Go to C-light candle. Collect green key.
Go back to K. Use green key on right door to access room L. Light fire in fireplace to collect amethyst. Click on box (lower right corner of mirror) and use TV clue to solve (reverse 3 & 4) to get silver key.
Go to C- Use silver key on left door to access room B.
In B, collect orbs. Collect hammer from floor to the right of stairs.
Go left to room A. Collect orbs and knife from lower left window. Zoom in on pool table to read pool ball numbers, then line them up according to earlier 7 digit code from under TV. (Blk Pur, Grn, Red, Ong, Yel, Blu). Collect Citrine.
Go to I-collect orbs. Use knife on carpet (dark circle under note) to get blue topaz. Read note and write down the number of white boxes between the black boxes to get another 7 digit code. S6P95O7I9L5E6R.
Go to D-use lantern to see screwed panel. While holding lantern and SD, open vent to get gold key.
Go to G-Use SD on screwed panel. Get emerald.
Go to O. Use gold key on door to the top to access room Q. Collect orbs. Get wand from under table.
Go to K. Use hammer on hollow panel to the lower left side of the fireplace. Use lantern. Get opal.
Go to N. Use wand on black mist. Collect sapphire and more orbs.
***If you have 75 orbs, go downstairs and get crystal so you can move quickly to room Q.
Go to room Q. Open book and collect aquamarine. Note gems that go with each month.
Click on picture and note dots that go around the frame. Place the gems in month order (not the order in the book) with January being the dot to the right of the dot marked December. Once the gems are placed correctly, you will get a sacred key. Return to main stairway, room E and go down. Use key to ESCAPE!!!!!
Good luck!